Connecting Landowners, Renewable Developers and Investors…
We connect those who have with those who are actively looking for potential renewable sites, planning consented/grid secured sites and operational projects.
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Connecting Potential for Green Energy
Renewables Connect is a game changing online agency platform for renewable energy projects, such as Battery Energy Storage, Solar, Wind and Hydrogen, located throughout the UK.

Renewables Connect Benefits
Connecting willing and active parties looking to transact in single and multiple renewables projects and sites throughout the UK.
Optimises and fast tracks the process of identifying and developing renewable energy sites.
A range of projects and sites available, from potential to built out and generating electricity.
Live, user friendly and flexible agency platform.
Interactive map which identifies development and infrastructure opportunities and substation locations.
Number of available landholdings, sites and projects
Available landholdings, sites and projects
Quickly locate or list available land, sites and projects
Can search for sites using our interactive map and filters, with live and regular updates.
Can add their own land, sites and projects to our easy-to-use and interactive database.

In the pursuit of sites and projects…
“Our goal is to provide an exclusive and streamlined agency platform on which those interested in leasing, disposing, or acquiring interests in renewable projects, can seamlessly connect and transact.”
Keir Doe, Director, Renewables Connect

A platform designed to facilitate connections in the renewable energy sector
Whether you’re listing land or seeking new development projects, this platform offers essential tools and resources through specialist roles.
List your land for free as a Landowner
As a Landowner, you have the opportunity to list your land for potential development projects and connect with interested developers and investors.
Find land opportunities for sustainable development and renewable energy projects.
Represent both landowners and developers effectively.
Connect with developers, agents, and landowners for renewable energy projects.